Category Archives: Advocacy

The Single Most Important Thing We Can Do to End Homelessness and Poverty

The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness (CAEH) just launched a national campaign, Recovery for All,...

A Nurse Week Shout Out: Cathy Crowe – Street Nurse

I have great admiration for people of action. Sure, most of us would like to...

Universal Basic Income’s Time has Come

A year ago, Universal Basic Income (UBI) was not a mainstream topic, it’ wasn’t even...

Four things we can do to make the world a better place

There’s something about the start of a new year that inspires us. There’s an innate...

Hallway Medicine – This shouldn’t be the new normal

Prior to my wife being admitted into a Hamilton hospital, I had heard the term...


Don’t protest the new Gillette ad. Applaud it!

Few people aren’t acknowledging that Gillette’s new ad is more about selling more razors than...

My 2018 Hero: 15-Year-Old Greta Thunberg

We all want to be inspired. We want to motivated to take action. We’d love...


Choose Love – How our choices are making the world a better place

I’m a firm believer that at the core of every person is a desire to...